KOR® advanced training seminar


In Germany, medical first aid is self-evident, even compulsory. But who provides first aid in emotional crises or emergencies?

Within the framework of the KOR® further training ‘Company First Aider for Emotional Crises & Emergencies’, already existing competences in human resources can be supported: Just as the responsibility for medical first aid is to be provided within the company, we would like to sensitize and prepare companies for first aid in times of emotional crises & emergencies. Thereby living social and corporate responsibility.

Companies that are agile and holistic in their approach to employee management and responsibility can record sustainable consistency, identification, motivation, and success at all levels.

Fast, effective emotional first aid: The emotional crisis as a resilient corporate reinforcement.

Statistically, every employee in Germany is absent from work 11 days a year due to psychological stress. Emotional crises significantly reduce personal quality of life, performance, and contact skills (e.g. also with customers).

The aim of the KOR® further training course ‘Company First Aider for Emotional Crises & Emergencies’ is to be able to offer fast, effective help here.

The seminar

  • Which emotional crises influence employees and ultimately the company?
  • The KOR® Business Model
  • How can I support colleagues/employees humanly and entrepreneurially?
  • Polarity and agility in the company’s everyday life with mental restriction
  • Introduction to supportive conversational skills
  • Active stabilization of body, mind, and soul to stabilize the autonomic nervous system
  • Getting to know aids, such as operationally oriented symbol work, aromatherapy
  • Getting to know the difference between first aid & therapy
  • Employee responsibility and corporate responsibility in harmony

Advantages of emotional first aid in the company

  • Trust is holistically strengthened with openness and transparency for efficiency
  • Psychological and operational ‘consequential damage’ is reduced or, in the best case, avoided
  • Sick leave and operational costs can be reduced
  • The most important resource ‘employee’ is preserved and strengthened.
  • Burnout prevention and emotional stability
  • Social and societal responsibility is recognized and practiced
  • Healthier work-life balance
  • More identity, passion, and commitment to the company through the experience of internal support
  • Employees feel seen, experience appreciation
  • Certification as holistic KOR® Keys of Resonance Employer of the Year

KOR® advanced training seminar company first aider for emotional crises & emergencies Certification:


KOR® Keys of Resonance Academy
Practice Lichtung

Stephanie Gotthardt,
KOR® – Keys of Resonance Academy
Tobias Hennicken, Crisis Intervention

480 Euro p. P.

Flat-rate group offers & in-house training for companies on request, acceptance of company education vouchers possible

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