KOR® advanced training seminar


Agile workplace in the new decade...

The workplace in the new decade calls for companies to embrace agile and holistic employee management and accountability. Those that make this their goal will see sustained consistency, identification, motivation, and success at all levels.

The workplace, both in the company itself and in the modern home office, is an area where we spend a lot of lifetime. However, lifetime does not only mean entrepreneurial productivity, but also influencing life events. Separations, divorces, deaths, diagnoses, layoffs, relocations, product changes, and team changes are just a small sample of human life events that accompany and influence families, friends, and ultimately companies with grief dynamics. Statistically, we are currently at a sickness rate of 11 working days per employee per year in Germany due to psychological stress accompanied by grief/loss. Experiences of loss significantly limit personal quality of life, performance, and interpersonal contacts, such as customer contacts.

Within the framework of our further training ‘Company First Aider for Human Bereavement Support KOR®’, we would like to support your already existing competencies in personnel management. Just like medical first aid, we would like to sensitize companies to be able to apply the same social responsibility for first aid in mental crises.

The Seminar

  • Understanding grief and change with the ‘KOR® – Business – Model’.
  • Why and how long does a person in the company grieve (in case of separation, team change, death, termination, divorce, etc.)?
  • How can I support colleagues/employees humanly and entrepreneurially?
  • Polarity and agility in the company’s daily routine in the case of mourning restriction
  • Introduction to accompanying conversation
  • Active stabilization of body, mind, and soul
  • Getting to know tools, such as operationally oriented symbol work, ritual work and stabilization techniques, etc.
  • Getting to know borderline first aid & therapy

Advantages of emotional first aid in the company

  • Trust is holistically strengthened with openness and transparency for efficiency
  • Psychological and operational ‘consequential damage’ is reduced or, in the best case, avoided
  • Sick leave and operational costs can be reduced
  • The most important resource ‘employee’ is preserved and strengthened.
  • Burnout prevention and emotional stability
  • Social and societal responsibility is recognized and practiced
  • Healthier work-life-balance
  • More identity, passion, and commitment to the company through the experience of internal support
  • Employees feel seen, experience appreciation
  • Certification as holistic ‘KOR® Keys of Resonance’ Employer of the Year

KOR® continuing education seminar company first responder for human grief support


KOR® Keys of Resonance Academy
Private Grief Academy Puetz-Roth

Stephanie Gotthardt,
KOR® – Keys of Resonance Academy
David Roth, Private Grief Academy Pütz-Roth

Private Mourning Academy Pütz-Roth
Bergisch Gladbach

480 Euro p. P.

Group offers possible
Acceptance of company education checks

Transformation und Changemanagement sind Verlust, Vision und Resilienz zugleich…

Wer gelernt hat, Verlusterfahrungen nicht zu verdrängen, kann auf berufliche und private Veränderungen  kraftvoller und resilienter reagieren.

Veränderung und Wandel sind unabdingbarer Alltag in Unternehmen, die von Wachstum, Beständigkeit und Entwicklung profitieren möchten. Veränderung bedeutet jedoch auch Verlust, denn sobald sich etwas verändert, muss etwas gewohntes und vertrautes zeitgleich verabschiedet werden.

Widerstand und Unverständnis verzögern Prozesse, bevor sich eine positive Vision stabilisieren kann. Diese Dynamik ist in privaten genauso wie in beruflichen Veränderungen anzutreffen – die Kernthematik ist identisch.

An dieser Stelle kann Hintergrundwissen, Verständnis und Hilfestellungen aus dem Bereich der professionellen Transformation- und Trauerbegleitung sehr effektiv und unterstützend sein!

Stephanie Gotthardt (links) von der Praxis Lichtung und David Roth von der Trauerakademie Pütz-Roth.

Die private Trauerakademie Fritz Roth beschäftigt sich mit persönlichen, beruflichen und gesellschaftlichen Aspekten des Umgangs mit Sterben, Tod und Trauer. 

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