Training KOR® I

Management of Transformation and Change – a key to self-awareness

Target group: Executives, employees, and teams

‘The only constant is change’, Heraclitus once allegedly stated. Often, fundamental change is preceded by loss. Losses may activate conscious or unconscious grief processes with many people. This in turn may lead to a limited level of performance and resistance. Change is not only commonplace in successful companies but absolutely essential to them.

With KOR® Academy, we have specialized in transformation and change therapy. We are convinced that every process of change or transformation presents a holistic opportunity for growth and the implementation of agility concepts to employees and companies.

The training program ‘Keys of Resonance I’ offers you the opportunity to meaningfully experience human transformation and change.

We would like to raise your awareness and to prepare you for processes of transformation and change, allowing you to powerfully react to changes in a harmonious manner. After all, after the change is before the change.

The training program ‘Keys of Resonance I’ comprises of:

  • an introduction to unconscious resonances during introspection and interaction with others
  • sensory experiences
  • basic emotions in times of change and transformation
  • exercises in self-awareness with a special focus on loss and change using regressional techniques to gather information from one’s individual biography
  • identification and awareness of one’s individual business heritage
  • visualizing and experiencing change and transformation in unique locations
  • establishing a ‘bunch of keys’ to adequately react to individual resonances such as stress, fear, anger, etc.
  • understanding the role of humans in change and transformation processes from a holistic and mindful point of view
I am looking forward to assist you in your management of transformation and change – supportively, holistically, and enduringly — Stephanie Gotthardt

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